Patch Statistics and Train/Val/Test distribution


Patches Distribution for each split (Number of 240x240 Images)

Marine Debris Dense Sargassum Sparse Floating Algae Natural Organic Material Ship Oil Spill Marine Water Sediment-Laden Water Foam Turbid Water Shallow Water Waves & Wakes Oil Platform Jellyfish Sea snot
Train 250 44 89 52 137 204 701 29 31 125 72 98 149 6 31
Validation 98 12 31 22 75 77 307 15 13 47 29 59 92 4 16
Test 124 21 37 18 86 80 352 13 14 60 39 67 107 2 16
Total 472 77 157 92 298 361 1360 57 58 232 140 224 348 12 63

Patches Percentage Distribution (%) for each split (Distribution of 240x240 Images)

Marine Debris Dense Sargassum Sparse Floating Algae Natural Organic Material Ship Oil Spill Marine Water Sediment-Laden Water Foam Turbid Water Shallow Water Waves & Wakes Oil Platform Jellyfish Sea snot
Train 12.39 2.18 4.41 2.58 6.79 10.11 34.74 1.44 1.54 6.19 3.57 4.86 7.38 0.30 1.54
Validation 10.93 1.34 3.46 2.45 8.36 8.58 34.23 1.67 1.45 5.24 3.23 6.58 10.26 0.45 1.78
Test 11.97 2.03 3.57 1.74 8.30 7.72 33.98 1.25 1.35 5.79 3.76 6.47 10.33 0.19 1.54
Total 11.95 1.95 3.97 2.33 7.54 9.14 34.42 1.44 1.47 5.87 3.54 5.67 8.81 0.30 1.59

Pixel Distribution for each split

Marine Debris Dense Sargassum Sparse Floating Algae Natural Organic Material Ship Oil Spill Marine Water Sediment-Laden Water Foam Turbid Water Shallow Water Waves & Wakes Oil Platform Jellyfish Sea snot
Train 2561 1838 2559 1081 5908 140584 264943 157242 469 89062 70002 9975 6988 1339 7336
Validation 1162 1167 627 95 3740 42456 92294 125565 369 39076 40019 3998 3923 928 2702
Test 973 1303 1786 278 3574 51528 139465 93254 387 42168 12732 6401 4790 274 2234
Total 4696 4308 4972 1454 13222 234568 496702 376061 1225 170306 122753 20374 15701 2541 12272

Pixel Percentage Distribution (%) for each split

Marine Debris Dense Sargassum Sparse Floating Algae Natural Organic Material Ship Oil Spill Marine Water Sediment-Laden Water Foam Turbid Water Shallow Water Waves & Wakes Oil Platform Jellyfish Sea snot
Train 0.34 0.24 0.34 0.14 0.78 18.45 34.77 20.64 0.06 11.69 9.19 1.31 0.92 0.18 0.96
Validation 0.32 0.33 0.18 0.03 1.04 11.86 25.77 35.06 0.10 10.91 11.17 1.12 1.10 0.26 0.75
Test 0.27 0.36 0.49 0.08 0.99 14.27 38.62 25.82 0.11 11.68 3.53 1.77 1.33 0.08 0.62
Total 0.32 0.29 0.34 0.10 0.89 15.84 33.53 25.39 0.08 11.50 8.29 1.38 1.06 0.17 0.83